UDK: 615.31:615.252.349.7
N. I. Cheplyaeva, E. S. Vorobiev
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра фармакологии
We compared the activity of glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors with different binding sites including a catalytic site, DAB (IC50 – 49,41 mcM), a purine binding site, caffeine (IC50 – 750 mcM) and quercetin (IC50 – 15,69 mcM), indole site, CP-316819 (IC50 – 1,24 mcM). Along with this, we found that inhibitors of two different binding sites (CP-316819 and caffeine) exert a synergistic effect both with a low and a high concentration.
diabetes mellitus type 2, glycogen phosphorylase, glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors, catalytic site, purine site, allosteric AMP site, indole site