Volgograd Journal of Medical Research
Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 616-091.817

Pathomorphological changes in the liver with experimental hypothyroidism

L. D. Erkenova, S. A. Mozerov, M. A. Dolgashova

Обнинский институт атомной энергетики – филиал ФГАОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ», Обнинск; Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет


The work was performed on experimental material. An experimental model of hypothyroidism was obtained by thyroid- ectomy in 76 male rats weighing 250–300 g. Тo study structural changes in the liver in experimental hypothyroidism.


hypothyroidism, liver, hepatocytes, dystrophy, edema, hemodynamic disturbances, plasmolysis
