UDK: 616-005.4
A. V. Smirnov, M. V. Schmidt, D. S. Mednikov, M. R. Ekova, I. N. Tyurenkov, D. A. Bakulin
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра патологической анатомии, кафедра фармакологии и биофармации ФУВ; Волгоградский медицинский научный центр, лаборатория морфологии, иммуногистохимии и канцерогенеза
The results of qualitative and quantitative studies of hippocampal pyramidal layer of the right hemisphere of rats in mod- elled hypertensive encephalopathy were presented. We revealed a reduction in the specific area of perikaryon in CA1, CA2, and CA3, an increase in the specific number of damaged neurons in all areas, as well as a decrease in the aver- age area of perikaryonic neurons in the areas CA1 and CA3, which demonstrated that the processes of reversible and irreversible damage occurred in modelled hypertensive encephalopathy.
hippocampus, rat, hypertensive encephalopathy