Volgograd Journal of Medical Research
Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 616.314.18.-002-085.322

Clinical efficiency of «Policatan» in a gel form in combination with lincomycine in inflammatory periodontal disease complex treatment

E. S. Temkin, N. I. Matveeva, B. B. Sisuev

Кафедра терапевтической стоматологии ВолгГМУ


The purpose of the present research is to evaluate the comparative microbiological efficiency and influence on dynamics of oral cavity of Polykatan in a gel form in combination with 1 % lincomycine in inflammatory periodontal disease treatment. A modified gel Polykatan in combination with 1 % lincomycine under study was applied in accordance with the conventional therapy in patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal disease.


gel, Polycatan, periodontal disease, oral cavity indices, microorganisms of the oral cavity
