Volgograd Journal of Medical Research
Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 617.586-089-053.2:617-001.17

Restoration of the support function of lower limbs in children with postburn scar deformities of dorsal foot after surgical treatment

I. E. Nikityuk, M. S. Nikitin, E. L. Kononova, K. A. Afonichev

ФГБУ «Научно-исследовательский детский институт имени Г. И. Турнера», Санкт-Петербург; Лаборатория физиологических и биомеханических исследований; Отделение последствий травмы, ревматоидного артрита и комбустиологии


The analysis of plantographic characteristics in children with unilateral burns of the dorsal foot revealed a disorder of support function in the affected foot and a decrease in the spring function (rigidity of the transverse and longitudinal arches) of both feet. After surgical treatment, patients had a recovery of the support function of the affected foot, and the tendency to normalize the support strategy of the vault of the foot of both the affected and intact sides was observed, which indicates the signs of recovery of their spring function.


burns, foot, computer plantography, children
