UDK: 616.314 – 007
I. V. Starikova, T. N. Radyshevskaya, E. B. Marymova
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра терапевтической стоматологии
The review of foreign literature on the odontogenic anomaly of tooth development – dens evaginatus (DE), which can be defined as a tubercle on the surface of the tooth, consisting of a layer of enamel, dentin, and can contain a thin layer of pulp. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of DE are important for preventing occlusive intervention, unsatisfactory aes- thetics, early caries development, periodontal problems due to excessive occlusal stress or irritation of the tongue during speech and chewing.
dens evaginatus, abnormalities of tooth development, anomaly of the tooth shape