UDK: 616.379-008.64: 616.12-008: 616-005.2-3-5
N. V. Maluzhinskaya, K. V. Kozhevnikova, O. V. Polyakova, S. A. Emelyanova, S. V. Smykova
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра детских болезней педиатрического факультета
The article is devoted to the study of blood flow reserve capacity in the microvasculature in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. These results suggest that children with type 1 diabetes, depending on the length of the disease have different capabilities reserve-flow in the microvasculature, reflecting the stepwise nature of the disease.
type 1 diabetes mellitus, reserve-flow capabilities, occlusion test, laser Doppler flowmetry