Volgograd Journal of Medical Research
Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 616.8-009.7 : 615.825

Kinesiotaping in the management of pain syndrome

A. E. Barulin, B. M. Kalinchenko, A. E. Puchkov, H. Sh. Ansarov, Ya. E. Babushkin

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра неврологии, нейрохирургии с курсом медицинской генетики, с курсом неврологии, мануальной терапии, рефлексотерапии ФУВ


The combined use of kinesiotaping therapy and pharmacotherapy in patients with pain in the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine showed a statistically significant decrease in pain intensity and alleviation of symptoms as compared with patients receiving pharmacological treatment alone.


kinesiotaping, spinal disease, pain in the lumbar spine, backache
