UDK: УДК 616.98.-097-022:616-002.5-091
L. S. Bykhalov, A. V. Smirnov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра патологической анатомии, Волгоградский научный медицинский центр
The study found some features of caspase-3 biomarker expression in HIV-infected persons with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated with tuberculosis. We also revealed an increase in the relative area of immunoreactive material in the lungs of persons with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome with HIV and TB co-infection compared to TB mono-infection and HIV and TB co-infection without immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. In case when HIV and TB co-infection was complicated with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome with «exposing» tuberculosis more pronounced caspase-3 expression in the lungs was detected compared to persons with HIV and TB with «paradoxical» TB.
pathomorphology of lungs, HIV-infection, tuberculosis, immunohistochemistry, caspase-3, IRIS.