UDK: УДК 617.52-089:616.71-018.46-002-001.5
I. V. Dolgova, Y. V. Efimov, H. H. Mukhaev, E. Y. Efimova, A. Y. Kuvshinnikov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет
We performed treatment of 63 patients with lower jaw fractures. The group of comparison consisted of 31 (49,21 %)individuals treated by the conventional method. The control group consisted of 32 (50,79 %) people treated by the conventional method with compatible intraosseous infusion of 0,03 % sodium hypochloride. An analysis of the outcomes shows the advantage of this method as the pathogenetic means for prevention of traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis.
traumatic osteomyelitis, 0,03 % sodium hypochloride, mandibular fracture, intraosseous infusion, prevention.